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Nine Toes the Bard
This 15th century Welsh lass once dealt with a Dragon. Now she travels the world, singing tales of love and battle, Pirates and Vikings, damsels and elves, trolls and that wicked Dragon that left her one digit shy. You'll laugh, you'll weep, laugh some more, and sing along with Nine Toes the Bard.
This Bard entertains and enlightens everywhere she appears. Rated PG to AAARGH to downright baudy, she's got just the right song for the occasion. Bring the Bard to your living room, book store, pirate party, or favorite festival. Contact to get your party started!
Whether she's bringing you onto stage to learn the Bard Rules, or wandering through the Faire with her trusty donkey Gazpacho (don't worry - no real donkeys here), Nine Toes will regale your guests with songs of love and laughter. Fun for the whole family!
Nine Toes the Bard shares her story in the most intimate setting - your living room - with you and your guests. Experience the joy and laughter, the tears and grief, the unforgettable characters in the world of Nine Toes the Bard. One evening with this Muse will change your world forever.
Ay, Mateys! Her song says it all, "Paladin Schmaladin! I want to be a Pirate!" This Bard will speak, er, sing to the inner Pirate in you and every one of your guests.
"I feel I am a character in her songs and I, too, want to be a pirate, at least for a bit. After listening to her songs I walk away in a good upbeat mood because her songs take me away from this world for a short time." Amanda O.
"This past June my husband and I took our 11 month old grandson to see Nine Toes the Bard. The look of sheer joy on his face as he sat on my lap completely engrossed in every word and every note you played. He loves music and had never seen it live yet, that day was extra special for us and our wee one." Kerry L.
"Soulful, ferocious vocals are carried across deep and energetic rhythms. She is an undeniable musician of strength and beauty." Champagne S.
"Nine Toes the Bard captures a room and shares essences of her soul. Every song creates an intimate atmosphere and brings fun and festivities as she shares tales of her adventurous journey along the road of life." Almirall Tribe
"She takes you on a wonderful musical journey. Telling tales that are not forgotten. Tales that stick with you and change you. She opens the door to magic. Leaving you laughing, smiling, and thinking in a different way." Christen H.
"A night with Mama Gina & Nine Toes will transport the listener to forgotten realms, simpler times, and yet remains a complex compilation of imagery in both words and music that cannot be duplicated anywhere else." Betsy Jenkins, President, Music Kinetic Productions
​"Nine toes will rock your SOCKS!" Kyna G.
Nine Toes the Bard
Long As His Leg
Listen to more music from Nine Toes the Bard!
Listen to more music from Nine Toes the Bard!
Contact Nine Toes the Bard and get your party started!
Mama Gina - fearless bard and folk artist
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